Part 2: Sections, Images, and Tags...OH MY!!!

Now let's talk about Section Divisions. Divisions can be described as sections of page content. This includes, divisions (or sections), paragraphs, line breaks, and hr attributes.

a simple division makes a break of it's own seperating itself from the rest of the page text

paragraph text is text usually found anywhere within the file that denotes a paragraph.

line breaks take parts of the text
from inline text to the next line.
This is a simple way some people choose
to make simple lists or to just add whitespace

Tag attributes or "hr" are attributes of a line

Now let's insert some images!


We can also define the attributes of an image



Tags are basically just links as you may have already seen a couple of times in this tutorial. Here are a few more examples:

This takes you back to the first page
the target="_blank" after the url tells the link to open in a new tab. Without this command, the link will open on the very same tab. This is the most common link attribute but there are others as well. Let's go to the NEXT section!!!